现在很多大学生在读书期间会参加雅思考试,之所以参加雅思考试,主要是为了去英语国家留学。有数据显示,每年有不少中国学生申请去英国的大学攻读硕士学位,这主要是因为英国的授课型硕士只需要花费一年的时间。而在报考英国学校的时候,学生需要按照校方的规定参加一些考试,有的学校认可雅思成绩,有的学校则不认可该成绩。那么英国承认雅思的大学有哪些? 分数要求是多少?
Aberdeen University 6
Abertay University, Dundee 5.5
Anglia Polytechnic University 5.5
Aston University 6
Bath Spa University College 5.5
Bath University 6
Bell College of Technology 6.5
Birmingham College of Food, Tourism and Creative Studies 6
Birmingham University 6
Bolton Institute of Higher Education 5.5
Bournemouth University 6.0/6.5/7.0
Bradford University 6
Brighton University 6
Bristol University 6.5
Brunel University 6.0/6.5/7.0
Buckingham University 6.5
Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College 6.0/6.5
Canterbury Christ Church University College 6
Cardiff University 6.0/6.5
Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education 5.5
Chichester College of Arts, Science and Technology 6
City University 6
Colchester Institute 5.5/6.0
Coleg Menai 6
College of Ripon and York St John 6
College of St Mark and St John 6.0/6.5
Cornwall College with Duchy College 5.5
Courtauld Institute of Art (University of London) 7
Coventry University 6
Cranfield University 6.5
Croydon College 5.5
De Montfort University 6.5
Derby University 5.5/6.0
Doncaster College 5.5
Dundee College 5.5
Dundee University 6
Durham University 6.5
East Anglia University 6
East London University 6
Edinburgh College of Art 6.5
Edinburgh University 6
Essex University 6
European Business School, London 6
European School of Osteopathy 6
Exeter University 6.0/6.5
Farnborough College of Technology 6
Glamorgan University 6
Glasgow Caledonian University 6
Glasgow University 6
Goldsmiths College (University of London) 6.5
Greenwich University, School of Humanities 6
Harper Adams University College -
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh 6.5
Hertfordshire University 6.5/7.0
Holborn College 5.5
Huddersfield University 6
Hull University 6
Huntingdon Regional College 5.5
Napier University 5.5
Newcastle Upon Tyne University 6.5
Newham College of Further Education -
North East Wales Institute of Higher Education 5.5
North East Worcestershire College 6
North London University 5.5
Northbrook College Sussex 6
Northumbria University, Newcastle 5.5/7.5
Norwich City College 6
Nottingham Trent University 6.5
Nottingham University 6.0/6.5
Oxford Brookes University 6.0/6.5
Oxford University 7.5
Paisley University - Business School 6
Plymouth College of Art and Design 6
Plymouth University 6
Portsmouth University 6
Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh 5.5
Queen Mary and Westfield College (Univ.of London) 6.0/7.5
Queen‘s University of Belfast 6.0/7.5
Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication 6
Reading University 6.5/7.0
Reading College and School of Arts and Design 6.5
Regents Business School London 6
Richmond Adult Community College 6
Robert Gordon University 5.5
Rose Bruford College 6.5
Royal Holloway, University of London 6.0/6.5
Salford University 6
School of Oriental and African Studies (Univ.of London) 6.0/7.0
Sheffield Hallam University 5.5
Sheffield University 6
Solihull College 6.5
Somerset College of Arts and Technology 6.5
South Bank University 6
South Thames College, London 6.5
Southampton Institute 6
Southampton University 6.5
St Andrews University 6.0/7.0
St Mary‘s College 6
Stafford College 6
Staffordshire University 6
Stirling University 6
Stockport College of Further & Higher Education 6.5
Strathclyde University 6.0/6.5
Suffolk College 6.0/7.0
Sunderland University 6
Surrey Institute of Art and Design, University College 6
Surrey University 6
Sussex University 6.5
Swansea Institute of Higher Education 6
Tameside College 5.5-7.0
Teesside University 5.5
Thames Valley University (TVU) 5.5
Ulster University 6
University College Chichester 6
University College London (University of London) 6.5/7.5
University College Northampton 6
University College Worcester 5.5
University of Central England in Birmingham 6
University of Central Lancashire 6
University of Manchester Institute of S &T (UMIST) 6.0/6.5
University of the West of England, Bristol 6
University of Wales College of Medicine 6.5
University of Wales College, Newport 6
University of Wales Institute, Cardiff 6
Wales University, Aberystwyth 6.5
Wales University, Bangor 6
Wales University, Lampeter 6
Wales University, Swansea 6
Warwick University 6.0/7.0
Welsh College of Music and Drama 6.0/6.5
West Herts College, Watford 5.5/6.5
Westminster University 6
Weston College 5.5
Wigan and Leigh College 6.5/7.0
Wirral Metropolitan College 5.5/6.0
Wolverhampton University 6
Worcester College of Technology 5.5
York College 6
York University 6
University of Paisley, Business School 6
University of Plymouth 6
University of Portsmouth 6
University of Reading 6.5/7.0
University of Salford 6
University of Sheffield 6
University of Southampton 6.5
University of St Andrews 6.0/7.0
University of Stirling 6
University of Strathclyde 6.0/6.5
University of Sunderland 6
University of Surrey 6
University of Sussex 6.5
University of Teesside 5.5
University of the West of England, Bristol 6
University of Ulster 6
University of Wales College of Medicine 6.5
University of Wales College, Newport 6
University of Wales Institute, Cardiff 6
University of Wales Swansea 6
University of Wales, Aberystwyth 6.5
University of Wales, Bangor 6
University of Wales, Lampeter 6
University of Warwick 6.0/7.0
University of Westminster 6
University of Wolverhampton 6
University of York 6
Welsh College of Music and Drama 6.0/6.5
West Herts College, Watford 5.5/6.5
Wigan and Leigh College 6.5/7.0
Wirral Metropolitan College 5.5/6.0
Worcester College of Technology 5.5
York College of Further and Higher Education 5.5/6.0